SAESI 2nd Semester Examination Registration NOW Open

Dear Member and Examination Students

Please take note that the 2nd Semester Examination Registrations are now open and will close at 12h00pm on the 23rd of August 2021. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS. This will be the LAST sitting, i.e. opportunity to write Higher Certificate with SAESI.

In order to serve our members the best way possible and to provide a qualification in line with Department of Higher Education and SAQA regulations, SAESI has partnered with SBS and established a Fire Technology Qualification on NQF 5 which incorporates the SAESI Legacy Qualification. This has already opened during this year and will continue from hereon in. This is similar to the historical agreement SAESI had years ago with LYCEUM who presented the SAESI Qualifications while SAESI still administered it.  Download the info sheet for reference.

To register for the SAESI Examinations, please follow the link below.

This link can be shared to any active member of SAESI that wishes to enrol for examinations. The qualifying criteria for new Higher Certificate enrolees, are as follow;

  • Must be employed in the Fire and Emergency Field [minimum of 18 months consecutively]. Proof will be required.
  • Must have a Senior Certificate [statement of results will not be accepted]. Proof will be required.
  • Must have IFSAC Accredited NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter One, Fire Fighter Two, and NFPA 472/1072 Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations Certificates. Proof will be required. Should you only have a Statement of Results it will only be accepted if proof of application for Certification can be provided.
  • Valid / Current Medical Qualification. Proof will be required.

The Examination sitting will take place in SAESI’s new financial year (starts 1 October 2021), which means that each member that enrols to write examinations must pay their Membership Fee of R460-00 with examination registration of R1299-50 per subject. Should payment not be made or proof of payment not received, NO RESULTS WILL BE RELEASED UNTIL SUCH PAYMENT IS MADE AND PROOF OF PAYMENT RECEIVED.

Examinations enrolees are able to enrol for all 4 subjects on each level or for the next level available, i.e. FIT300 passed and can now enrol for FIT400 without obtaining the whole Higher Certificate.

Thank you

SAESI Admin Office

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