SAESI Transition from Classroom to Virtual Examinations

The Southern African Emergency Services Institute as Non-Profit Company and Recognised SAQA Professional Body, have had as part of its vision and mission the professionalisation and standard setting for the Fire and Emergency Community since its inception in 1959. We are a member-based organisation valuing its members and their contribution to SAESI and the industry at large.

Having to re-invent and adapt to ever changing circumstances over its existence, we as an Institute again face a new challenge with the rest of the world brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. SAESI respects and supports the Southern African Government and its structures.

As such we also adhere to there regulations guiding us through this pandemic. The world will never be the same and we cannot wait for the same ‘normality’ to be re-established before we continue with the business of SAESI or just carry on where we left off.

It therefore gives us great pleasure to announce that we have developed an e-platform for the writing of the SAESI Member Examinations for the Legacy Qualifications in Fire Technology.

Achievements so far….

  • Digitization of the SAESI Examination Banks for all Fire Technology Subjects and Levels
  • Registration BOT [Electronic Virtual Administration Application [APP]
  • Completed Electronic Examination Application [APP] for Higher Certificate Legacy Qualification in Fire Technology
  • Developed Electronic Examination Application [APP] for Diploma and Higher Diploma Legacy Qualification in Fire Technology
  • No additional costs to the current enrolled members for the Legacy Qualification in Fire Technology

The process to be followed:

SAESI Administration has already pre-registered all students who enrolled and received confirmation of registration for the April 2020 Examination on the Electronic APP.

However, each student needs to register and activate his/her own e-portal or account. Once this step has been completed, you will be on the electronic system and need not do it again apart from maintenance where your details have changed for example. Upload of evidence for your records can also continue hereafter.

For “how to – step by step” refer to each Guideline Document.
These will be made available to each student and on the SAESI Website soon.

Benefits to Students

  • Continuation of the Fire Technology Legacy Member Qualification
  • One fee structure
  • Three attempts within a cycle at no extra cost
  • Immediate Results
  • Same high standard and opportunity for further development
  • No more classroom setups
  • Personal Flexibility
  • Improved security

We therefore urge our members to continue their studies, start preparing and benefit from this innovation.

Salome van den Berg
Chief Executive Officer
Southern African Emergency Services Institute NPC
295 Jorissen Street, Off Voortrekker
Krugersdorp 1739
Contact Numbers:
+27 11 660-5672
+27 11 660-7555
Fax (086) 544-0008

Read the PDF document

SAESI Acknowledgement of IFFD

Good Day Fellow Firefighters

Today 4 May 2020, marks world Firefighter’s day, due to COVID -19 Regulations and Restrictions there will be no events that will take place from the Events and Marketing Working Group.

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Firefighters, both nationally and internationally on this day. We would also like to thank you each and every one of our Firefighters for their sincere dedications and sacrifices shown during this world pandemic.

It is much appreciated that during these trying times we follow the recommendations laid down by the World Health Organization in keeping ourselves as well as the communities we serve safe.

It will be appreciated if Branch Chairpersons could please relay or send out messages of encouragement to the constituents.

Download PDF version

Presidential Brief: COVID-19

UPDATE: Message from SAESI President Mr Melvin Ramlall – 23 April 2020

Firefighters as First Responders on the Frontline of fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic

Greeting Honourable Members

I, the President of the Southern African Emergency Services Institute have been made aware of the plea and concerns regarding Firefighters not being issued with protective masks and gloves to protect them from the virus when they are sent into dense population areas to fight fires.

I believe firstly that this competency rests with the dominant Local Government Municipal Sectors and falls outside the jurisdiction of the Southern African Emergency Servicers Institute as the Professional Body to answer for and or to compel compliance.

However in the spirit of good governance and to advance of the strategic goals of the Southern African Emergency Services Institute to disseminate information to the members and public, I will confirm and say that members holding the SAESI Professional Designation: Firefighter Practitioner of South Africa [FFP (SA)] or the NQF Level 4 Occupational Certificate: Firefighter are trained on the Management of Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods. The Hazardous Materials Operations Level covers Decontamination Set Up and includes the donning and doffing of various levels of PPE. I believe that these skill sets are adaptable to engage with this viral threat.

Our Professional Firefighter ought to be reasonably aware that the protection of eyes, nose and mouth remain critical in mitigating this COVID-19 threat whilst responding to and engaging in multi-types of emergency situations daily. I am aware that all fire helmets are provided with face visors that supports threat reduction. The impracticality of wearing a fire helmet for 12 and 15 hour shift is equally noted.

My personal assessment about this COVID-19 threat to Firefighters weights greater within the workstations over emergencies scenarios, I say this in considering the social practices of shift workers through the sharing of resources and facilities as evidenced within the Correctional Services.

My observation of Infection rate of locked inmates against the free moving Warders and staff confirmed the effectiveness of the national containment strategy of Lockdown and restricted movement and exposed the R(0) vulnerability involving uncontrolled travel and social interaction within the shift worker environment.

The way forward requires smart and innovative solutions that change our behaviour towards self-preservation. The goal here is not to touch our facial area or expose ourselves to face to face contact within less than one meter.

I am equally aware of the multitude of resource challenges facing Local Government during this Lockdown period together with the planning underway for risk reduction and response against the pandemic spread as predicted by the authorities having jurisdiction.

In saying that, I am pleased to note that some Firefighters are innovating solutions in this time of scarcity of PPE by adaptation of basic resources to protect themselves in some Cities and will suggest that SAESI members be encouraged to use our platforms to share these ideas among the fraternity to maintain resilience to face the difficult journey before us.

As the President of SAESI, in my video message to members posted on the social platforms made a call to the Fire and Emergency Services fraternity to build their immunity by maintaining their fitness and well-being so that they can be there to respond to the “call for help” of our citizens.

In having this opportunity to respond in this matter I urge all Firefighters in the country to break the chain of virus exchange at the point of contact with inanimate objects shared with other worker colleagues through sterilization before use, to protect the routes of entry by shielding our face from our hands, to focus operational practices on decontamination protocols during shift changes and return from incidents and maintain social distancing during travel, response and within work stations.

I remain committed as President of SAESI to persevere towards Professionalization of the Fire and Emergency Services.

Click here to download the full Presidential Brief.

You can also watch the video message by SAESI President Mr Melvin Ramlall to all Emergency Services Practitioners.



SAESI Notice: COVID-19

Given the current situation nationally regarding the COVID-19 / Corona Virus and announcements of containment measures pronounced from Government, the Southern African Emergency Services Institute are not immune to the situation or naïve to the threat.

SAESI is taking a proactive approach to business continuation and risk reduction while providing the support required to all members, clients, providers, stakeholders and associates with SAESI in these uncertain times.

Click here to read the full CEO statement

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